I’m enjoying this current project so much that I just had to share!

Ted Saves the World - book coverTed Saves the World is a fun YA/sci-fi adventure w...

Looking to leverage the real power of recording voiceover in a true DAW (like Reaper or ProTools)? Anthony Gettig...

Over time, audio files in your projects begin to take up an incredible amount of space on your drive. But, not all of th...

We’ve all been there… Recorded the job, got it edited, rendered to MP3, and ready for upload. And then, at the last mome...

We’ve all done it. We’ve set the play head for a new Punch and Roll take and we just hit record. Later, we notice that t...

Like most Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs), by default, Reaper is configured to produce music. It can be configured for...

Usually, when someone is looking for a free software package for Vocieover work, people tend to recommend Audacity. An...

As a long time reader of Nethervoice, Paul Strikwerda’s blog, I could not wait to get my copy of his new book, Making...

Color Your life Color Your life (Photo credit: Capture Queen ™)

“What color is my voice?” Are you kidding me? At first, it sounded li...

Yes, I finally have my vocal booth – a prototype of the new StudioBricks One Plus – set up and ready to go!

The de...

This might come as a shock to you but auditioning for absolutely everything is not a good idea.

So many people out t...

Buying a Vocal Isolation booth is a big ticket investment in your voiceover career.

After all, a cheap pre-built booth...

Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1841, a Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1841, a “prudent and efficient” consul. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

SYNOPSIS: A young, handsome...