It is my distinct pleasure to announce the opening of auditions for Season 3 of Doctor Who at Broken Sea Audio Productions. (Please copy this email to any actors and onto any lists that you feel appropriate.)
Mark Kalita (Mak) continues in his role of The Doctor and we are looking to build an ensemble cast around him. This is an audition for the WHOLE SEASON not a single episode. Many of the characters re- appear in various stories, so we are looking for actors who can commit to growing with their roles over time. Initial auditions are due SEPTEMBER 28TH.
These Doctor Who Episodes will start to air in January, after the next two Doctor Who stories for Darker Projects have been recorded. A separate casting call for the next two Darker Projects episodes will be posted shortly.
If you only have time for single-episode roles or small roles, please note that when you submit your audition along with details of your time constraints.
Please record a variety of the sample lines below, and name the file as follows:
(Please record lines in wav or MP3 format 44100 mhz, 192 kbps)
NOTE: Not all characters are British, if you choose to submit an audition that demonstrates an accent (no matter what the accent is), please record the SAME piece again and name it as follows:
(Please record lines in wav or MP3 format 44100 mhz, 192 kbps)
There are many characters of many ages and many alien species. Too many to list here. Please limit your recordings to what is listed below. We will reply to the initial audition with specific lines for you to record as we try to cast the roles for the season. Please do NOT try to imitate any of the original voices from the TV series. Simply use the background information as a jumping off point, be creative, and have fun!
Women please note, we have a special need for accents and ages. There are lead characters with the following vocal requirements:
-American (non-descript) with the ability to put on a bit of a New Orleans drawl, age mid-late 20’s -British London Standard, age age 20’s-30’s -Vague Non-descript European, age 20’s -Elderly European or British -Young child voice, 11-year-old girl
Email all auditions to:
Please put Dr Who Audition in the subject line.
Character Descriptions:
Fendahl – female,
Morgaine – female,
Omega – male,
Tiresias – male, a later model of an ORAC Meta-Computer’s_7)
Maren – female 20’s, granddaughter of the character with the same name in
Ohica – female elderly, much older than in this episode
Ida Scott – female 20-30’s, one year later and same character as here:
Olivia Le Pluie – female late 20s, Engineering Grad Student/Waitress from New Orleans 1999
Marie – female 20’s, minor role, waitress in a New Orleans cafe
Francois Rakoczi – male appears to be in his 30-40’s, based upon
Lord Aukon – male, same as
Casaubon – male, man servant to Rakoczi/conjured vampiric spirit
Please use the following lines for audition material:
FENDAHL: And I thank you Doctor. For I feasted upon all the lives you freed at once and opened a hole in our dimensional prison. We thank you Doctor, as do the hordes you have banished here. We three stand in circle for them all.
MORGAINE: Sweet revenge! Soon Doctor, your hearts will feel my blade and I will revel in the taste of your blood!
FENDAHL: And I, in the taste of your soul. — OMEGA: And, in the end, the World, and all worlds, did wither. And, they did this by my own hand. For my true son saw my hand within his own, and with it, he tore away the sea and the land. He tore away the day and the night. He tore away the heavens themselves. All this, he did, to save the innocent from the armies of Death. But, the armies were not the real evil. And, as my hand dispelled the order it had wrought for countless millennia, suddenly my son, my true son, knew all of this, and wept. For now he could see the face of darkness for the first time. The face — was his own. — TIRESIAS: I have studied the data that Mission Commander Flane submitted to the Torchwood Information Matrix. Fascinating, a planet generating a field that allowed it to sit safely within a black hole’s event horizon. The sheer amount of energy generated alone was astounding, but the elegance of the mathematics that enabled the gravity dispersion field was truly inspired. — MAREN: I saw a boy; a child, no more than eight or nine. He was made to stand before — I’m not sure what it was. He gazed into it, like a mirror, but the things he saw.
MAREN: O, Rassilon! The wise and fair! I call upon thee! For demons you vanquished so very long ago, rise again and use your tools for their selfish gain! — OHICA: For a long while, he believed himself the very last of his kind. And now, even after absolute proof that he was wrong, he still refuses to see. Stubborn, this one, in all of his regenerations, so very stubborn. — IDA: Right… adjust our heading toward ten zero, eleven zero-zero by zero-nine from galactic zero center. In five hours time, this heading will have us cross out of secured space. Hopefully, the Sontarans and the Rutans will respect the Torchwood Archive ID we are broadcasting and leave us alone. — OLIVIA: Well, Doctor, you may not have realized it, but you are in New Orleans not London. This is a coffee town. I could grab you one of the stale old tea bags we probably have hidden in back for the clueless few that stumble into this place and just don’t get it, but judging by your accent, you won’t be happy with that. Or, I can get you something fresh, warm, hot, and strong. — MARIE: Ain’t you sweet. Hey, why’s a girl like you waitin’ tables on New Year’s Eve? The boss ain’t heard ya’ come in yet. Duck out with me. Ray’s got this friend. Mmm, mm! He’s — — RAKOCZI: Is that what you think is going on? Mister Brown, I must say that I severely overestimated you. Here I thought you a scholar, a studious learned man. A book you said. So, I assumed Templars… Masons… Illuminati, but no. All you can see in your limited little mind is X-Files. (pause) Tell me, Umberto, I can call you Umberto, can’t I? Tell me, what do you know of Clarke’s Third law? (pause) Well, let me enlighten you. His third law states that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. It follows then that the converse is true. Any sufficiently arcane magic is utterly indistinguishable from advanced, even alien, technology. (Anger) Do I look like a little green man to you! — AUKON: The Rutan mind is so simple. I can bend and shape it to my will. Such a gullible race — so easily persuaded by promises of power — The Universe must be ready for my return. Already, I feel the presence of those that once served my master. All those who have tasted the blood of their own kind, and their descendants, will rise and be my army. For all eternity, this day will be marked blackest of all, in all histories. For today, the vampires rise again! — CASAUBON: Lord Aukon invoked me upon the form created by this old wizard! Lord Aukon serves the one true Great One! Lord Aukon serves the Vampire!