My heart skipped a beat when I got this email earlier today:
On Monday, June 4th, we’ll be contacting the ten semi-finalists by phone and/or email. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION IS UP TO DATE. If we can’t get in touch with you within four days, you may be disqualified. HOW TO UPDATE YOU CONTACT INFO: Go to . Log in and click the “My Account” link on the left, then click the “edit” tab. Click on “Personal Information”, and enter your phone number, then click “Submit.” We know you submitted your phone number with your original contest entry and we still have it — but we need to make sure your number hasn’t changed. Don’t worry, all of your contact information will remain private. Good luck!
So, if you have a chance to swing by my entry and rate it (on a scale of 1 to 5 stars), I would really appreciate it. I wish I had worked some comedy into the entry. My bio on the site is worth a chuckle or two.