Part of the day at Google I/O BootCamp was a BarCamp. And, I did propose a session. After spending a year working with...

This was a fun idea, and great execution. Imagine running the Boston Marathon in your own home? Well, with iFit Live, yo...


And so, it begins… Registration is going smoothly. There is a lot of excitement in the air.


I’ll be posting more u...

How do I decide? These are today’s sessions. My initial thoughts are:

-Intro to Google Maps v3
-??? Totally confuse...

From Content (googleiobootcamp):


I need to choose sessions from this list and I am having a hard time mak...

From Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and the long road to the iPad. – By Tim Wu – Slate Magazine:

[S]omewhere, deep ins...

In May, I will be heading to the Google I/O Conference. I had heard that Google was giving out Android phones to help...

From Why Apple and Google Need Each Other %u2013 GigaOM:

Right now, iPhone owners are experiencing the mobile web...

Now, it’s one thing for a company like Netflix to “accidentally” exclude Chrome, but I cannot imagine a valid excuse f...

Netflix Watch Instantly should work fine in Google Chrome. After all, it is using the same rendering engine as Safari,...

Slowly but surely, my tech life gets more “Googley”.

I spend my days coding using GWT (Google Web Toolkit) using the...

I was looking through some old posts imported from my old site, and realized that it has been a long time since I’ve e...

Some friends have been following links from LiveJournal, Twitter, and Facebook back to this site and have been won...