This television commercial, first aired during...

Image via Wikipedia

Back in 1984, Apple launched an ad campaign during the Superbowl casting IBM (and by asso...

My case is easiest explained in metaphor…

Think of HULU as a bakery. In this bakery, there are some items placed on...

I’ve been home for a week now. I’m recovered from the jet lag and I’ve begun to catch up on work. It’s taken that time f...

From Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and the long road to the iPad. – By Tim Wu – Slate Magazine:

[S]omewhere, deep ins...

From Why Apple and Google Need Each Other %u2013 GigaOM:

Right now, iPhone owners are experiencing the mobile web...

An interesting video time capsule of sorts from Apple Computers (back when Steve jobs was off innovating at NeXT).


Hey! Steve! I am still waiting for you to apologize to teachers all across the United States for your off-the-cuff comme...

MacNN | Jobs to get “Rotten Apple’ award without apology

Okay Mr. Jobs… the ball is in your court. Years ago, Apple de...

Okay, I’m not a teacher anymore. But, it wasn’t that long ago that I stood in front of a classroom and worked my butt of...

Since my machine can run any UNIX application I would ever need, why would I ever think about putting GNU/Linux on my Ma...

About a month and a half ago, a friend of mine messaged me and was all kinds of happy because coconutBattery reported...

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What’s New -Version 1.4 includes the sound Moof (the call of the long lost Mac mascot – Clarus...