Harry Potter Meme of All Memes by Osaku House – Slytherin Wand – Willow, 10″, Phoenix Feather Best Course – Defense Against the Dark Arts Worst Course – Transfiguration Pet – Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl Patronus – Hawk Quidditch Job – Keeper Wizard Candy – Chocolate Frogs Profession After School – Member of the Order of the Phoenix These memes and tests always seem to go back and forth between placing me in Gryffindor and Slytherin. It makes me imagine the sorting hat pausing a long time over my head having a hard time placing me. In some realities, my personal drive lands me in Slytherin and in other realities, my moral compass lands me in Gryffindor. I’m never a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff.
What houses do you float between? I’d like to know.