From Designs
The goal of this design was to blend an HTML Site with a PHP Classroom so potential students and parents...
once again you happen to glance my way and catch me
gazing at you
by now you know that my dreamy-eyed look is not me...
I just can’t get this song out of my head:
Sometimes I wonder if I’m ever gonna make it home again It’s so far and out...
my breath breathes warm for spring
so i do peek under crusts of snow to rich dark earth
awaiting fragrant connection...
I see you and am a wet-palmed boy
suddenly struck silent and awed
dabbing my palms before we dance.
here i behold serendipity
written in words shared before they are known
we are not strangers no
the stars say as m...
now its official
I have a script under consideration at the BBC. That’s why I have been a bit slow updating what’s her...
Part of my day, recently, has been to look through old journals and photos. So, as old words and pictures bring feelings...
so close to you that my soul rises
filling me with nervous dreams
standing there in the crisp night
wondering if y...
If you register as a user on this site, not only can you access private postings. But, you can also download complete te...
To the tune of Simple Gifts & Lord of the Dance
In the passing of the day, and the death of the sun, I plant a seed in...
all life together lives, and all are connectedbeyond the self, we share a soul
in that oneness, we know bliss
in tha...
Where would the sorting hat put you?
So, I was talking with a person on ORKUT (let me know if you need an invitation...