catch up day


catch up day


First, let me apologize to Francois, other b2evo users, everyone that asked for more in the Of The Grail story, or the few direct emails that I got to please put up the text for Words of Love and Once and Future.

Okay, so here is what’s been going on in the last few weeks. Recently, I wound up in the hospital with blood poisoning. I woke up on January 28th with a swollen left hand and red streaks going up my arm. Lucklily, I got there in time, and I am now okay. They did not have to operate. I am on anti-biotics to clear the strep from my system.

Also, I have been working really hard to get this online classroom up and going. Some other people that were burned by Learning Strategies and I have gotten together to build a real business based upon the scam that duped us. Using moodle and ivisit, I have built an online classroom that is really robust, works on all macs and windows machines and even works well on dialup modems. Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, I can start teaching classes there.

So, as stuff calms down, I will have time to put more stuff up and I will be able to help build How To’s for the wonderful blog software that runs this site.

Thanks for your patience.

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