Iridium: A Universal Theme Installer

iridium software

Click Here to Download

Iridium can now run on ANY Macintosh running MacOS X 10.4.5 or later. This includes (but is not limited to) G3, G4, G5, Intel Dev. Boxes, Intel Core Solo, and Intel Core Duo machines.

Again, I would like to thank Colin Cornaby, without whom the Intel-port of Iridium would still be only a dream.

Please note that Iridium Hydroxide is not in this download. Since building the Intel files requires building files manually in a Hex-Editor, it was just too much work to get 2 themes ready. I apologize to those of you who prefer the Hydroxide look.

Within the next week, Iridium will have a new home over at At this point, expanding Iridium’s look requires skins for the iLife applications, and other skinnable applications like Firefox, Adium, and Opera. If you are interested in helping out, let me know.

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