#irdevcamp The Adventure Begins!

filemaker inresonance

From iR Knowledge Base – iR DevCamp Announce:

Think of it: three days and nights in Northampton with some of the best minds in the independent school universe of FileMaker developers. Code sprints. Opening gambits. How to FINISH! Take three days to move projects from the drawing board to the circuit board. Sprint ahead with access to different perspectives and insight from people who love building solutions as much as you do. Join us for iR Developer Camp. There’s a wealth of FileMaker developer expertise in the independent school world. At this third open meeting for FileMaker developers for independent schools, we’ll hit the ground running and aim to cross the finish line with ready-to-be-finished prototypes of projects you want to do.


DevCamp is always an interesting time for me. At inRESONANCE, I’m a Web Application Developer among a sea of FileMaker Developers. So much of our development paradigms differ. I think in Objects, they think in relationships. I use an IDE, they use a RAD Tool. The differences go on and on. And, even with those differences, I always learn so much over the three days of DevCamp.

This year, I get to document DevCamp and some of iRU, which runs concurrently. This is going to be fun!

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