GoodVibrations CSS

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What better way is there to make your Surfin’ with Safari more enjoyable than sharing some Good Vibrations with your friends?

I don’t know about you dude, but all those ads on the web can really be a bummer!

— — *cough* *cough* — —

Okay, enough with the outdated surf lingo! Yeah, the name came from the fact that Apple chose to name its browser after another Beach Boys song, but I don’t think I can possibly hold up the pretense for this whole document 🙂

GoodVibrations.css is a stylesheet that acts as an ad-blocker for Safari, Konqueror, OmniWeb, Shiira, and other WebKit/KHTML web browsers. It may work on other browsers (like Opera, FireFox, and Explorer), but the point of this project is to optimize the code for WebKit/KHTML. So any browser specific code will focus on WebKit/KHTML.

Once a month, there will be a new downloadable version (with improvements and fixes). The current download will always be at:

Not to sound too much like PBS or NPR here, but this project depends upon contributions from users like you (and no, I’m NOT talking about money). This project will only work if users like you alert me to sites that need to be tweaked, ads that escape the ad blocker (though some types of ads are really hard to block), and if you submit your own fixes to the code.

I’m usually adding a line or two to the code each day. So, there are often files newer than the latest official release available. If there is a beta available, it will be downloadable at:

I want to take a moment to thank the people who have already contacted me with comments and fixes. And, I hope to hear from many more of you.

Remember to share those Good Vibrations!

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