From My Scripts for Pomodoro Desktop | Steven Jay Cohen:
To follow up on my scripts for Pomodoro Desktop, here are some Adium versions of the same scripts:
Start script:
set timeStr to time string of ((current date) + (25 * minutes))
set Pos to offset of ":" in timeStr
set timeStr to (characters 1 thru (Pos + 2) of timeStr as string) & characters (Pos + 6) thru end of timeStr as string
set message to "DND - Available at " & timeStr
tell application "Adium"
go away with message message
end tell
End Script:
set timeStr to time string of ((current date) + (5 * minutes))
set Pos to offset of ":" in timeStr
set timeStr to (characters 1 thru (Pos + 2) of timeStr as string) & characters (Pos + 6) thru end of timeStr as string
set message to "Available until " & timeStr
tell application "Adium"
go available with message message
end tell
Break end script:
set message to "Available"
tell application "Adium"
go available with message message
end tell