Fairy Tale as Myth/Myth as Fairy Tale

“[I]nteresting and insightful.” – Caroline Lamb

“[I]t is for anyone who is interested in starting to study, the true origins of Fairy Tales.” — Wonderful Introduction To the Critics P.O.C Of Fairy Tales

“You’ll never watch The Little Mermaid in quite the same way again.” — Excellent

Fairy Tale as Myth/Myth as Fairy Tale by Jack Zipes

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This audiobook explores the historical rise of the literary fairy tale as a genre in the late 17th century. In his examinations of key classical fairy tales, Zipes traces their unique metamorphoses in history with stunning discoveries that reveal their ideological relationships to domination and oppression. Tales such as Beauty and the Beast, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and Rumplestiltskin have become part of our everyday culture and shapers of our identities.

In this lively work, Jack Zipes explores the historical rise of the literary fairy tale as a genre in the late 17th century and examines the ideological relationship of classic fairy tales to domination and oppression in Western society. The fairy tale received its most mythic articulation in America. Consequently Zipes sees Walt Disney’s Snow White as an expression of American male individualism, film and literary interpretations of L. Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz as critiques of American myths, and Robert Bly’s Iron John as a misunderstanding of folklore and traditional fairy tales. This book will change forever the way we look at the fairy tales of our youth.

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