You came to me
the day you died
But, not to say goodbye
To ask me
to remember.
As season 2 draws to a close, some questions are answered and new questions are born.
This story was originally rele...
It’s been quite a while since I’ve updated this blog. Most of my work has gone on “behind the scenes”, as it were. Small...
The Doctor aids a band of rebels in their stand against an overwhelming Cyberman invasion. And Olivia finds out what i...
This story was originally released at BrokenSea Audio Productions under a Creative Commons license. It is re-relea...
Time has fallen. Olivia is in the garden. Amanda is in the void. And the Doctor… The Doctor does not exist!
This sto...
Pulled away from New Earth by forces that even he does not understand, the Doctor lifts the fog from one of the least...
As the strands of Time weave themselves back together, a new pattern forms, bringing the Doctor face to face with one...
This story was originally released at BrokenSea Audio Productions under a Creative Commons license. It is re-relea...
As Madame Waterfield (Damaris Mannering) is dying, Francois Rakoczi (Stephen Kilcullen) presses her mysterious connect...
This story was originally released at BrokenSea Audio Productions under a Creative Commons license. It is re-relea...
All his life, he has wandered, wandered across the known Universe, in search of answers. He has learned many things… d...
This story was originally released at BrokenSea Audio Productions under a Creative Commons license. It is re-relea...
The Doctor (Mark Kalita) and Olivia (Adriana Melendez), separated by by both centuries and lightyears, dig deep into t...